Recent Content by faery

  1. faery

    Ecoli from cats?

    I suppose it's easier to blame the cat than to think the waiter at your favourite eatery failed to wash their hands after doing their business
  2. faery

    Ecoli from cats?

    The most common causes of Ecoli infections are due to contaminated water, improper food preparation (even a waitress who fails to wash her hands could spread this bacteria), or simply failing to wash ones own hands after using the bathroom. Mammals can carry the bacteria (including cats) but...
  3. faery

    Onesie, tube sock and cone

    I've never seen a cat that DID like a sweater, but a lil prevention can go a long way. I wish her a speedy recovery.
  4. faery

    Red splotches inside kitty's ears...

    Is he scratching his ears at all? Ear mites and ear infections can cause inflamation in a cats ear canal (and at times make their eyes runny and make them sneeze). Is there any dark gunk in his ear canal as well? Also, if a cat shakes their head violently they can end up with small hematomas on...
  5. faery

    Neglected and more than likely abused cat

    Yes, she can become balanced with time and patience (I adopted a cat named Scruffy who was teased and thrown by her former owner). To help with the bonding give her a place she can use as a den and make sure some of your smell is in there as well (try rubbing a towel on your face and giving it...
  6. faery

    I no longer have the monster

    Ahahaha! I hope not, those sprays can get pricey in the long run I wouldn't think so (confining him to a room with a litter) assuming you can thoroughly clean all of the areas he leaves presents. A covered litter box may help. I personally don't use one as one of my lil demons likes to use...
  7. faery

    My cat neglects his toys and slams himself into walls.

    How old is he? Do you know much about his history? Cats/kittens who haven't had toys or other cats "showing them the ropes" may not know what a toy is. Playing with treats, food, and their own tail is normal so I wouldn't worry too much about that. I currently have four nearly 7 week old...
  8. faery

    I no longer have the monster

    Awww! Spartan suits him very well. He's a beauty as well. If you know where he is doing his business you can scoop up his stool and place it in the litter box (to put his smell there) then make sure to use a special cleaner (made for pet stains and smells) in the areas he shouldn't be going. A...
  9. faery

    Oozing sore on shoulder?

    I'm glad he was checked out and it's looking okay Keeping a healthy weight always seems much harder than actually reaching that goal (as most humans who have ever had to diet would agree *raises hand*). I'm not sure how his diet is, but using treat balls to feed him part of his meals can help...
  10. faery

    Question re: 12 week old kitten nursing on his sister

    Most calming products are a spray, collar, or diffuser that mimics the pheromones a mother cat gives off. They relax a cat and can help with many stress related behaviours. Even if they lost their mother early they would have been weened by 9 weeks. It doubt he is trying to get milk. I'm...
  11. faery

    Unruly kitty

    You have slow feed bowls already, but have you tried treat balls? Not only would that slow down his would give him something to do while he eats. You can also try child proof locks for your cabinets (I'd suggest the kind that hook on handles and they tend to keep the cabinet door...
  12. faery

    Question re: 12 week old kitten nursing on his sister

    I had the same issue with a brother and sister cat years ago who lost their mother at a young age. If the bump is where he tends to suckle on her that could be the cause. It may not be hurting at the moment but he could end up giving her a sore patch. Apple bitter could help, but if you are...
  13. faery

    At what age would kittens normally leave their nesting box?

    If they are able to move around well let them out in a carpeted area (or if you have hardwood floors, put a towel down so they will have some traction and keep warm) each feeding. That will not only give them a chance to explore and develope those muscles, it will also help get their bowels moving.
  14. faery

    Three 2.5. Week old kittens

    Some cats/kittens are more vocal than others, but if one is constantly yowling I would have her/him check out. Kittens will cry when they are uncomfortable for any reason (hunger, needing to pass stool or void, too cold). Is the more vocal kitten eating as much as the others? How about it's...
  15. faery

    Litter box cleaning behavior

    I have one cat who will not use a dirty litter and waits until her box is cleaned. It's annoying but I've yet to find a way to curb that behaviour. Cats are snoopy, and yours are pulling the typical "monkey see monkey do" routine