Recent Content by emmies human

  1. emmies human

    Goat's Milk for Cats?

    Hi - good point. My vet is aware of what I am doing with my cat. She is in fact interested that what I am doing is working given Emmie's kidney levels are now in the High Normal range rather than where they were at our last visit earlier this year. She is not a holistic vet but her partner at...
  2. emmies human

    Goat's Milk for Cats?

    And don't miss the post up thread by Loves Cats!
  3. emmies human

    Goat's Milk for Cats?

    The Aloe Vera Juice (inner filet) is supposed to help overall. I use that instead of water to make her food more of a slurry. She is completely off all kibble which was a thing for her at first -- before I threw out the last of it, offered her a few to see if it would entice her to eat what I...
  4. emmies human

    Goat's Milk for Cats?

    We took in a very sick stray 5 years ago and she has struggled with a variety of health issues -- kidney to start and then last summer she lost so much weight so quickly we thought we were going to lose her. Hyperthyroid issues were what the vet told us it was. Raw Goat milk is the only thing...