Recent Content by eliandkoby

  1. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Possibly insist on oral meds.  Yes there are side effects (for some) but you want to get after this beast quickly.  We had it in our home due to a foster kitten also.  My daughter ended up adopting him, and then 3 weeks later he has a bare spot on his lip.  Koby was  mts old by that time.  The...
  2. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Well there is good news with the cats, but not the human here.   Our daughter has had ringworm off and on since FEBRUARY!  It is just this one or two spot area on her upper chest.  When she discovered it, off she went to our G.P. and he just wanted to give her this cream to put on it.  She...
  3. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    I meant FUNGUS, not virus. 
  4. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    What was the name of the oral meds that your vet wanted to prescribe Skat?   I spoke to three different vets on their protocol on ringworm, and two recommended the terbinifine and the one suggested itraconazole.   All meds have side effects.  I wasn't totally comfortable on any level giving the...
  5. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Our kitten was given terbinifine.  Walmart's $4.00 script.  Koby did not have any issues and he was on it for 6 wks.  Eli our 5 yr old male seemed to have a voracious appetite during his treatment, but after it was all done he returned to normal.  I was worried as well, but tried to listen to...
  6. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    I do have carpet in our family room where the three cats mostly hung out.  After the dx I put Koby the kitten and Eli, our 5 yr old kitty in our daughters bedroom with everything OUT of the room but a dresser.  (no place to put it!)  The wood floors were easy to Swiffer and bleach lightly.   As...
  7. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Hello skaticat!  How's things going now?  It's been 3 weeks since your last post.  Hopefully things are better.  I pop onto this site every now and then just to see if I can offer any words of wisdom, because I've been there, done all this too! Ours started in mid-January when we adopted a...
  8. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Yesterday we did the Q-room aka daughters bedroom.  Walls washed, ceiling, ceiling fan, closet, top to bottom of her room with pinesol & wee bit of Dawn.  Then a total rinse all over with clear water.  Lastly did the floor which is wood, then all misted with bleach water.  Closed the door and...
  9. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    The cats are back into the house.  All furniture is covered, throws are being washed daily.  I am vacuuming everything DAILY.   We haven't touched the Q-room yet.  I'm not doing it by myself, daughter works, so perhaps this Saturday we will go at it and scrub every inch of it, let it dry good...
  10. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Thanks for sharing your story Emme.  I am so sorry to hear about your dear Dad. I also lost my Dad to cancer many years ago and I still miss him every day. I can see how you had ALOT on your plate with everything going on in your life, and yet you endured for Gilligan getting him cured of RW. ...
  11. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Our bedroom and our sons room has been closed off since cleaning well end of January.   Hubby will probably never feel comfortable with cats sleeping in there EVER AGAIN.  Oh well what can you do?  More laundry.
  12. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Awe your Jackie could be Eli's sister!  I love my tabby and white kitties!   By looking at your picture of Jackie's spot, this is almost exactly where Eli had his.  He then had another spot just below the other ear, and then that was it.  We got right on the medication and bathing from the get...
  13. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Thanks for your input Catmom.  I am thinking the same thing about what has been done in this house for the last 6 weeks.  I can't for the life of me get WHY our 16 yr old cat didn't GET IT.  I am forever thankful and prayed that she would be spared.  She is a healthy girl and we've been so lucky...
  14. eliandkoby

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Last night was bath night.  I walked into den (daughters bedroom now) with towels draped on my head and shampoo in hand.  "guess what day it is honey?"  We started to laugh because we are so sick of this journey.   But we will get there, hopefully very soon. Koby has not had the best life so...
  15. Alby 12122013 002.JPG

    Alby 12122013 002.JPG
