Recent Content by eldridge

  1. eldridge

    The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2016

    There used to be a Half Price books about 10 miles from me, but I never go that direction and haven't been that way in a few years. If I had to guess I'd say they're closed down though.  Bookstores seem to have met the same fate as Blockbuster Video, courtesy of Kindle & Netflix. You can get...
  2. eldridge

    Game: There's No Business Like Show Business

    Edward Norton
  3. eldridge

    The alliteration game....

    Parrots Plundered Pirates' Playhouse
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  5. eldridge

    post funny cat picture and memes here

    I want all seven of these adorable little fuzzheads :)

  7. eldridge

    Game - Movie/Actor

    The Incredible Hulk
  8. eldridge

    The Movie Title Game - Change a word version

    Village of the Damned
  9. eldridge

    Is there a meaning to your cat's name?

    Long time ago when I was in about 7th grade there was a stray Grey Tabby who hung around the block, just as sweet and friendly as can be, and was pretty much adopted by our 2 other cats (which of course meant he was adopted by us humans lol).  At any rate, his tail was broken at the end, the...
  10. eldridge

    The Movie Title Game - Change a word version

    Little Miss Sunshine
  11. eldridge

    Game - Movie/Actor

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  13. eldridge

    [Game] Photo Fight

    I'm the one who got Catvis Presley his fortune and fame, after all :)