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  3. E

    Angus, keep running, boy

    One year ago you left me, right around now. If it's time to say goodbye to him can I hold him in my lap? Is it alright if I hold him? I held you and you let go. Thank you for choosing me, boy. And thank you for changing my life. You were so young, so brave. You were the only creature I loved...
  4. E

    It's almost September, Mr. September

    I miss you. You're free, boy. Thank you for changing my life, Angus, and making it so much better. Thank you for grabbing hold of the cage door when I went to put you back, and for meowing and sitting on my lap when you didn't even know me, and for trusting me. Thank you for choosing me. I love...
  5. E

    Is Wellness too rich

    for a cat w/ loose stool? My vet told me not to offer Ernie rice and chicken. I gave her a bit of Fancy Feast chicken in gravy after draining out a bit of the gravy. I kept a bowl of Wellness out at all times up until a few weeks ago when I realized she wouldn't eat it unless I offered it to her...
  6. E


    my cat has had diahrrea since last night. i plan to call my vet in the morning, but am having trouble sleeping b/c i'm so worried. she has an appetite and up until about an hour ago she was very active. very small amounts are coming out. she is able to make it to the litter box. i waited twelve...
  7. E

    Ernie tries to eat my dinner

    Ernie is a girl. Her full name is Ernestine, but that's a big name for a cat so I shortened it.
  8. E

    Ernie tries to eat my dinner

    My cat gets very excited when I sit down to eat. She climbs on my lap and swats at my hand as I go to put food in my mouth. And she waits for crumbs to fall. She licks the plate. After a few minutes, she calms down and watches me eat. The behavior can be annoying at times, but I am patient. She...
  9. E

    In Memory of Wilda

    beautiful and moving tribute. thank you for sharing.
  10. E

    Uncle Louie just died

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Run free, Uncle Louie! -Doug
  11. E

    changing feeding schedule

    my cat, Ernie, is used to a bottomless bowl of dry food to nibble on as she pleases, and two cans of fancy feast a day. i adopted her last week and would like to make some adjustments to her diet. i'd like to switch to one can a day b/c a) she doesn't finish all the food on the plate, b) two...
  12. E

    person grooming

    i think my cat licks my hand b/c she likes the salt taste or the residue from the last thing i ate. she'll often lick my wrist where i spray cologne, and she tries to lick my armpit, which just isn't allowed! i think it is also how she takes care of me. my cat, angus, licked a wound on my hand once.
  13. E

    Cat scared of the car

    i brought a cat home on friday night and she cried for the entire car ride. she quieted down when the blinker was on, and when i was at a red light. try playing classical music for her. it's scary. some cats get upset stomachs. it could easily be that he hates being in the carrier. a two hour...
  14. E

    New cat is under bed

    She came out on Saturday night :-) It was funny. I was at the computer and I heard her high pitched meow and turned around and she was pacing back and forth. Adorable!!! She follows me everywhere and meow meow meow meow, so I picked her up and she gets quiet, but only likes to be held for a...
  15. E

    New cat is under bed

    I brought my new cat home last night and she went under the bed and hasn't come out. I know this is a common behavior, but she hasn't even come out to use the litter box or eat. I placed the food a few feet from the bed so that she knows it's there. I also put a few treats down on the rug. How...