Recent Content by edie56

  1. E

    Libby scratching couch and curtains

    when i say no do i use her name and i dont know if she cat nip ive only had ner for 3 days
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    Libby scratching couch and curtains

    I'm taking care of a cat for one of our residents. My family owns a retirement home and one of our residents went to the hospital for rehab; he has a cat named Libby I'm taking care of her in my apartment. She is very loving and the only...
  3. E

    tassee peeing everywhere

    she has always used the litter box we are going to try a different litter
  4. E

    tassee peeing everywhere

    i wish we couild take her in but me and mom are retired and we just dont have the money to get her checked it wouild take calling a home vet and 3 hundred dollars we have a vet near by but shes more nervouse with cats
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    tassee peeing everywhere

    shes 8 yrs old weve had her 4 yrs we rescued her she wasnt bought up very nicely so i guess we rescued her she has been doing this for couple of weeks she nos that shes been bad shill run and hide sometimes she isnt very people friendly i...
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    tassee peeing everywhere

    she wont drink from water bowl but she always drinks from the bathroom sinherk when she wants it she really gets angry so that means she wants water so either me and my mom have to go and turn it on for her she takes almost three minutes to...
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    tassee peeing everywhere

    this is not the first this has happened she has clean litter box we change it daily or every other day but we check it daily there are no other animals in the house its only her she wont go out when there snow thats where she usually goes she...
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    Journeys Over The Bridge; Honouring My Past Cats

    she was beatiful no wonder why your wife really loved her
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    another one of my cats that has passed

    how did he pass at only 2 yrs old was he sick my condolenses
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    Cat food autofeeder (to stop morning meowing): Good or Bad?

    with tassee she gets half large can three times daily and the dry food she gets free fed she seems to be hungry all the time the dry food we leave in her bowl for night time she seems to always eat but shes not overweight she is a savanna and...
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    my parents refuse to take my cat to the vet

    tell your mom that's animal abuse I don't know if the animal patrol can talk to her or fine her
  12. E

    Chai Kitty

    what did happen to leg she was beaiful
  13. E

    My Callie is gone now

    thank you so much for letting your beautiful callie do what she loved doing
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    Advice Grieving Loss of a Kitten

    please try these diets to help her live better
  15. E

    The saddest day of my life

    boy you are something you really have a lot of nolig about cats and I know you loved them all and they all love you back thank you so much for taking care of poor petey and all the others when they all got sick to them all you are their angel