Recent Content by ebonly2000

  1. ebonly2000

    Abandoned kitten approximately 10-14 days old says vet. Need advice!

    MServant,    Oh don't worry, I didn't think you thought of her as weak.  I don't think anyone that has read all of this could ever think she was a weak baby.  I was merely bragging about her. lol.  She is also hunting house flies as she sees them which shows to me that she is learning to be a...
  2. ebonly2000

    Abandoned kitten approximately 10-14 days old says vet. Need advice!

    MServant,        Since I have gotten her she has never walked with her belly on the floor.  She has always been a very strong little girl.  But she has gotten stronger to the point that she no longer wobbles.  She runs around and tackles my other kitten who acts as her mother.  And she has...
  3. ebonly2000

    Abandoned kitten approximately 10-14 days old says vet. Need advice!

    Sorry I haven't updated lately.  I tried to measure the water in the bowl trick but unfortunately my other 2 cats drink so much of it I really can't tell how much she is getting.  So, I decided to try putting extra water in her soft food.  I made it into a soup consistency and she has been...
  4. ebonly2000

    Abandoned kitten approximately 10-14 days old says vet. Need advice!

    Update.  Her poop fixed itself within 24 hours and she has been eating soft and hard food.  She won't drink water infront of me and she won't drink the bottle.  How do I know if she is getting fluids?
  5. ebonly2000

    Abandoned kitten approximately 10-14 days old says vet. Need advice!

    Well everyone I am glad you guys liked the photos.  She is definitely a little character.  I have noticed something going on the last 24 hours.  Since she has been eating a lot of soft food and about 90ml-120 ml of KMR a day she seems to have very soft and sometimes diarrhea poops.  Is this...
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