Recent Content by dreamraider

  1. dreamraider

    Diago and MIsty's RAW journey

    Lol yea I am a big fan of toppers. They have been pooping for months like that..before raw. It is like rabbit poop..hard perfect balls but not hard to pass and right on shcedual every time. I was hoping raw would help but now I'm trying a little pumpkin..I try to give them each a half egg twice...
  2. dreamraider

    Diago and MIsty's RAW journey

    Sorry its been a few days..I have been super busy and not changed I was displeased with my self for that so for the heck of it I tried not adding wet...I added a half egg yolk each and a tsp pumpkin each(hard poops) and mixed it into like a gravy and they loved it!
  3. dreamraider

    Diago and MIsty's RAW journey

    Lol its so funny isn't it? I mean it was hardly anything and it was deffinatly all eaten in the first few bites but he finished it all anyways Baja..and that's so funny that one of yours just needs to "know" its there to be satisfied. Lol
  4. dreamraider

    Diago and MIsty's RAW journey

    Freeze dried chicken treats are little packages sent from heaven!! My cats don't like treats and last time at Walmart they had 100% freeze dried chicken treats on sale for two bugs so I got this m and was surprised that they are bonkers for them... I tried Diago on the 50/50 raw wet mix again...
  5. dreamraider

    What is the funniest thing your cat has done?

    Love this! Sounds like such a cutie-pie!
  6. dreamraider

    Lazlo's ultrasounds results. :(

    I think the reason Diago is doing it is because he LOVES string.. seriously- the look on his face when you swing something string like is very intense. If there is a string toy around he will find it wherever hidden.. one time he ripped a string out of the carpet and I was in the other room and...
  7. dreamraider

    Lazlo's ultrasounds results. :(

    Ive been checking my emails regularly for this update. :p Here is hoping it IS plastic. :) I can certainly see Diago doing that... since I stopped free feeding him he started chewing the bfs TV POWER CORD and XBOX POWER CORD... gawd the worst things he could try. -.- ...we found out last...
  8. dreamraider

    What to Feed My Muffin Boy - In His Last Days

    Best Feline Friends was something I could usually get misty to eat when she wasn't eating.. it is all fish flavours though. she liked the pumpkin one best and the chicken one made both my pukes throw up for some reason. She likes any friskies pate too. Also the last bit of her "not eating" spell...
  9. dreamraider

    Lazlo's ultrasounds results. :(

    Laurie, was it plastic then?
  10. dreamraider

    Diago and MIsty's RAW journey

    Well I wrapped it up last night and offered it again this morning- Diago didn't touch it but misty finished hers. (y)
  11. dreamraider

    Diago and MIsty's RAW journey

    While I definitely knew this time would come I feel so disappointed... I change their canned portion daily...I thought though would be enough for now..sigh
  12. dreamraider

    Diago and MIsty's RAW journey

    Okay so I think we jynxed it lol...they wouldn't touch it tonight.
  13. dreamraider

    Diago and MIsty's RAW journey

    Thanks for the Kind words mrsgreenjeens! Hopefully tonight goes well but I am waiting for the time when they tell me "uh-uh". lol
  14. dreamraider

    Diago and MIsty's RAW journey

    Yea I did that the first day and they didjt eat it plus they only had a few bites of the mix...I took away the blob and they finished their mix. I could try again tonight.
  15. dreamraider

    Diago and MIsty's RAW journey

    Well today I did 1/3 raw 2/3 wet and they ate it up np!