Recent Content by drcat

  1. D

    Need to lose weight - need help

    Sorry, autocorrect driving me insane... Cat food!!
  2. D

    Need to lose weight - need help

    Try soaking the dog food. In water initially. Not for long to start with, make the water lukewarm. If he takes this, gradually increase water, and then try a bit of chicken water or tuna water. Same process, a small amount to start, warmish. This should be a very slow process, it can...
  3. D

    Need to lose weight - need help

    Sounds like a dry food. Change (gradually) to wet food. It is 70%+ moisture, compared to dry food 10% moisture. So dry food much more energy dense. Wet food will fill the tummy but has less calories, so cat will not feel so hungry. Try to go for good quality high protein grain free food...
  4. D

    My cat still isn't eating anything but tuna, what should I feed her?

    Having teeth out will mean she will not be able to eat kibble for at least 2weeks. This food is likely to become impacted in the tooth root holes while they are healing over, as may wet food with gravy. That is why we recommend pieces of meat only, eg chicken (cooked) or fish such as tuna...
  5. D

    Cat anxiety/stress unusual behavior.

    Damn you auto correct.... Feel free not geek free... *sigh*
  6. D

    Cat anxiety/stress unusual behavior.

    Him, not Jim. Sorry!
  7. D

    Cat anxiety/stress unusual behavior.

    If your cat is very active at night, you should first try playing more during the day. Your cat is not necessarily stressed, he is just being a cat! Playing more in the day will help use up some of his energy... Remember cats sleep about 75% of the time! Get some toys that you can play with...
  8. D

    Clumping vs. non-clumping litter

    Whatever you choose, be aware your cat may not like it! Swap over between the 2gradually so kitty can get used to it. You should still clean all waste asap, as any trace of urine has a strong odour to cats and can put them off using the box. Use bicarb to clean the tray at least weekly, or...
  9. D

    vaginitis and clavamox

    A kitten (6 months old) with a vaginal discharge and irritation (licking) is far more likely to have vaginitis - which does occur in young cats, it is just much less common than juvenile vaginitis in dogs - than a pyometra, which is generally only seen in older cats (with the exception of cats...