Recent Content by drakepool

  1. drakepool

    Worried Cat Mother

    Yes you were right! I must have given her too much and she just started to act strange. After about an hour her face swelling went down and shes with her kittens. Thank you so much!
  2. drakepool

    Worried Cat Mother

    The vet isn't open today and the kittens are getting hand fed right now. Do you know what might be wrong with her?
  3. drakepool

    Worried Cat Mother

    My cat just had kittens 11 days ago and her face looked a little swollen so I gave her 1 CC of  benadryl and she hasn't been acting the same since then. She won't leave one spot in our house, she won't eat or drink, she doesn't want people near her, and she isn't tending to her kittens. There...