Recent Content by douglas

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  6. douglas

    Advice about NATURAL medicine for my 9 yo cat with Hepatic Lipidosis.

    Hi Denice, thanks for the reply. My cat's lab results were all over the place but his ALT(GPT) was at 1800, his ALP was 287, CGT 19, and Total Bilirubin was at 9.2. Very high numbers considering the Normal Ranges are 0-100, 0-90, 0-10, and 0.0- 0.5 respectively. The veterinarians did an...
  7. douglas

    Comment by 'douglas' in article 'New Here? I Have A Few Suggestions For You!'

    Hello alI! I came looking for people that cared enough about cats to love them for who they are.  
  8. douglas

    Advice about NATURAL medicine for my 9 yo cat with Hepatic Lipidosis.

    Greetings everyone ! I hope all our feline friends find health and happiness ! ​I am here because my buddy Jack is sick and I want to help him WITHOUT Vet Meds He got real thin, real fast and started sitting in the "Meatloaf" position about a month ago. I took him to the Vet and was told his...
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