Recent Content by doffina12

  1. D

    2 year old cat with food and inhalant allergies

    I adopted my 2 year old tortie female when she was 6 months old, and she had issues with sores/hair loss since she arrived at the shelter when 2 months old. I finally found a veterinary dermatologist who diagnosed her with food allergies as well as inhalant allergies. She prescribed her Royal...
  2. D

    Hard sore on lower abdomen

    My 10 year old Russian blue mix female has this sore on her lower abdomen. When I took her to the vet 2 weeks ago, he thought it might be staph related. She also currently has chronic stomatitis. Since the vet visit, the sore has become harder and rougher to the touch. It's about 1/2" in...
  3. Hard sore on lower abdomen

    Hard sore on lower abdomen

  4. 2015-08-25 19.13.24.jpg

    2015-08-25 19.13.24.jpg
