Recent Content by dizzie and dayz

  1. dizzie and dayz

    Dizzie is ill i think.

    My 2 yr old cat dizzie has his third eye lids showing and has wet stool, his eye lids have been accross for a while now but the stool comes and go's hard and soft. We took him to the vet and he had an injection for some kinda cat flu and that didn work, we took him back and she said she could...
  2. dizzie and dayz

    Kitten Diarrhea but no other signs of illness. pics

    My kitten had this only few weeks ago. We wer told told to feed her a special diet of this vet food called specific. she also had a weeks worth of medicine and she is fine and dandy now. dont no  if this helps but might be best to have a trip to the vets.
  3. dizzie and dayz

    Cat with allergies or something more?

    Poor thing, I really feel for you. I cant offer much advice but just wanted to say do what ever you can, Obviously I understand money is always an issue, I know how expensive poorly cats can be but there must be something, dont loose hope.  
  4. dizzie and dayz

    Dizzie and Dayz, if ones not ill its the other. advice!

    They didnt know what the lump was but as it was going down just said just to leave it, they suggested it could have been a reaction to her first jabs although it was a little lower than where she had it done. I think in the first jab the kitten had some de wormer although she was so small she...
  5. dizzie and dayz

    Dizzie and Dayz, if ones not ill its the other. advice!

    Hi, We have had our male cat (moggie) Dizzie for just under 2 years, he has been fine and well all that time. We recently approx month ago got a new female tabby kitten Dayz she got a lump on her back size of a golf ball for no apparent reason and had diarrea so we took her to the vets...