Recent Content by dinasowner

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  7. D


    So Dina has been an IAMS wet food cat when I first got her. As we know, there has been a problem with that recently and so I am looking for a replacement. I know she likes the pieces & gravy stuff and doesn't like the pattes as much (dry food is fine with her, but I am looking to give her wet...
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    Here is Dina

    Aww...thanks, Pami...I certainly think so, and thanks for being the first to post
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    Hi everybody!

    In response to numerous requests and because I love her, I just posted a few pictures of Dina here:
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    Here is Dina

    Here is my cat, Dina
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    Finding a mate

    I would like for my cat to have one litter before I spay her. What is a good way of looking for a mate for her?
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    Hi everybody!

    Hello everybody, I am an owner of a beautiful cat named Dina. She is very affectionate, smart and has lots of personality. I love her. She is mostly black, with some white--if it wasn't for that latter, she would look totally like a Bombay, thin, long, active. She waits for me when I get...