Recent Content by Desertrat94

  1. D

    Cat Constantly Pesters Me For Wet Food

    That’s just it. I’ve tried several brands of wet food. I have also tried different litters. But it still smells horrible and as I mentioned, he doesn’t bury his poop as it is. I’ve also got a covered litter box, so that might give you an idea on just how overpowering his poop is.
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    Cat Constantly Pesters Me For Wet Food

    Hi, yes I’ve got a reason. It makes his poop smell horrendous. I scoop the box twice a day and the smell was still so overpowering I couldn’t stand it. He’s also one of those cats that doesn’t bury his poop. He is strictly an indoor cat so pooping outside isn’t an option. He doesn’t have claws...
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    Cat Constantly Pesters Me For Wet Food

    Hi there, thanks for the reply. He would get it once a day when I was feeding it. He would still pester me even if he had half a bowl full of it, and would pester me in the middle of the night even though he had some left.
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    Cat Constantly Pesters Me For Wet Food

    Hi, thanks for the reply. I stopped feeding it because it makes his poop smell horrendous. He is strictly an indoor cat so pooping outside isn’t an option. Cost isn’t really an issue. Unfortunately, it seems like he cries with or without it. Even if he had half a bowl of wet food he would cry...
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    Cat Constantly Pesters Me For Wet Food

    Hello everyone, my fiancé and I are tearing our hair out over this stupid cat! (Max) We got him a little over a year ago and he (along with my other cat) was only fed dry food. My fiancé got the genius idea to start supplementing their dry diet with some wet food. Worst. Mistake. Ever. After a...
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    Random Pooping Outside The Litterbox

    Hi there, I scoop it daily and change the litter about every 2-3 weeks. I might try getting another box.
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    Random Pooping Outside The Litterbox

    She gets wet food and dry, so I don’t think constipation is an issue. Whenever I’ve found the poop it’s a normal stool. Not rock hard but not runny either. There is fresh poop in the box daily. I may try getting another box.
  8. D

    Random Pooping Outside The Litterbox

    Hi, thanks for the reply! I forgot to add that she does get wet food along with dry food.
  9. D

    Random Pooping Outside The Litterbox

    Hi all, I have a cat that randomly poops outside the box on the floor. I’ve had her for well over a year and she used the litter box religiously up until recently. About once a week now, she poops on the floor. **On a side note, at one point I had a cardboard box with a blanket in it on top...