Recent Content by dereise

  1. dereise

    Clipped ear?

    I don't blame you at all for being angry. The least they could have done was ask you!!  We though adopted our little Betti Book cause she was so sick and that little Clipped Ear helped too. Listen, if you want to help ferals that have the upper respiratory virus a lot of them have, the Lysine...
  2. dereise

    Clipped ear?

    Thank y'all for the great welcome here!!  Any of you close to Cleveland Tn please support Dixie Day Spay and like them on Facebook! You will find a wealth of info and love! They also are involved with an underground foster home for abused animals to get them as far away as possible from the abuser. 
  3. Clipped ear?

    Clipped ear?

  4. dereise

    Clipped ear?

    There is no way we could love a cat more than our "Clipped Ear Betti Boop" any more than we do!!!  Oh, she is on the right!
  5. 0627132007.jpg

