Recent Content by ddharris

  1. ddharris

    Experience with Cystonomy?

    Sorry about your loss Manday.  Sounds like you did everyting you could. My younger cat got totally clogged due to stones 4 moths ago and while he avoided surgery the stress of the week vet stay, numerous catheteriztions, xrays and over all trauma almost killed him.  It took me days before he...
  2. ddharris

    Experience with Cystonomy?

    Probably sounds normal.  Good that he is trying to pee alot with sucess.  That is a good sign.  He probably feels the urge to pee more because he just had his bladder operated on and feels discomfort.  Try feeding him treats or some nice smelly wet food to stimulate appetite as he has been...
  3. ddharris

    My oldest cat might be dying, just don't know from what... :(

    Your cat needs antibiotics for UIT's or bladder infection or any infection for that matter.  Water will not "push it out".  Get a new VET today!
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  5. ddharris

    Simply Nourish brand

    New to the site and I am trying to work out a diet for two kitties that are "stone" prone ( one struvite(the doc thinks) and one oxalate.  The only thing that worries me about this new Petsmart exclusive food simply nourishing is no one can seem to get any information out of Petsmart about the...
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