Recent Content by davew

  1. D

    Very Loud, Deep Meow. Almost a howl...

    the situation with GrayCat outlined in post #49 above has changed a bit, but we still have many sleepless nights and are just hoping spring brings some relief; for an unknown reason, Gray is loud ALL THE TIME some days, meeowing and breaking into a yowl as he walks the corridors... drives us...
  2. D

    cafe catering to cats opens in Montreal

    I will try to go once it opens, but wondering how to easily get any cats there; they would require car transport and a box, and I am unsure about whether the young one Bella would dash out an open door should that present itself ....
  3. D

    cafe catering to cats opens in Montreal

    Hi all, Could not see another thread on this subject, and as I live in Montreal it caught our attention:
  4. D

    Cats have cabin fever!

    up here in arctic-like Montreal, our 2 year old Bella is running around like crazy, no problem with inactivity! this weekend, a sudden warming spell, even into the 40sF, and I am sure she will be out and about in the local alley which she loves to do
  5. D

    GrayCat, Bella and the family

    Greetings, I come in peace, first wanting some advice on a loudly "me-yowling" cat (see thread on loud meowing), but deciding to sign in for the longer term. We first got into the cat business a decade ago   in France when our young son's friend found a lost cat at the bottom of a stairwell in...
  6. GrayCat, Bella and the family

    GrayCat, Bella and the family

  7. Cat mirror 1 25.JPG

    Cat mirror 1 25.JPG

  8. D

    Very Loud, Deep Meow. Almost a howl...

    Thanks for all the comments above; our older cat, GrayCat, was an insistent adoptee about 8 years ago: he came over the back garden terrace and loudly insisted on being fed; we should have guessed --  he never left he was never excessively noisy, though he was always fairly dominant, biting...