Recent Content by dave630

  1. dave630

    Astma supplies

    Thank you for your kind words.  It was one of the worst days of my life.  
  2. dave630

    Astma supplies

    Recently my best friend and companion, my cat named Michael passed away at the tender age of 5.  For 5 long years I helped him through his affliction with asthma at a the cost of thousands of dollars and many sleepless nights. His loss will affect me forever. I am seeking a needy cat with...
  3. dave630

    Prednisolone not available??

    My cat Michael has asthma, for years he was on Prednisone and Terbutaline tablets.  But at least once a year he has a major attack and has to spend 2-3 days in the oxy tank at the vet and costs me about $500-800 per trip.  Last fall they changed him over to Prednisilone which was harder to find...