Recent Content by datas

  1. datas

    How often should cats play?

    My cat doesn't play with his toys much at all. I just got him a few weeks ago he's 4 1/2 year old neutered male. His old owners gave me a small bag of his toys (just small stuffed mice, plastic balls, stuff like that) which I spread throughout the house. He hardly looked at them. So I bought...
  2. datas

    Does my cat need prescription food?

    Haha don't think that'll work. If I even set foot in the bathroom while he's using the litter box he bolts out of there leaving a trail of dust behind. He won't use a box without a cover either. Likes his privacy I guess. I'll see what I can do though.
  3. datas

    Does my cat need prescription food?

    Thanks for all the advice. She did say the food was for prevention because all male cats are prone to urinary issues. She said he's a perfectly healthy cat, he just had his annual vet checkup a couple weeks before I got him & he has no known health issues. I think I will try switching in...
  4. datas

    New to the cat life

    Thanks for the warm welcome everybody! Data is doing quite well, I like to think he likes it with me :)
  5. datas

    New to the cat life

    Thank you! I just call him data or mr. Data most of the time lol
  6. datas

    Does my cat need prescription food?

    I have a 4 1/2 year old healthy male cat. His previous owners gave me a big bag of hills prescription diet c/d for urinary tract health which I plan to use up but the bag is getting low now. As far as I know he has no health problems. his old owner basically said they'd rather spend more money...
  7. datas

    New to the cat life

    Hi I just brought home a cat a couple weeks ago. He's a 4 1/2 year old male. His name is Lt. Commander Data. I had 3 cats throughout my childhood but this is my first pet as an adult. I'm 31 & i spent a lot time thinking before deciding to take on what I consider to be a very big...