Recent Content by darbykat

  1. D

    Crusty cat

    Oh my goodness! This is eerie, there's a feral orange tabby in my neighborhood with a lesion on the left side of his neck as well! I love cats, but this guy likes to come into my backyard and fight with my outdoor cat, Pearl. I love my little Pearl and would bring her in, but I already have 2...
  2. D


    The possiblity of this problem being a parasite was not even mentioned by the vet. Darby had semi-normal bowel movements today (4-25) and no droplets. She hasn't been normal in months. Is it possible that she could have a parasite that only affected her and not my other cat, who shares the...
  3. D

    Max had died

    I just read all the posts about poor little Max. Such a sad story. My heart goes out to you and your family.
  4. D


    Darby is a strictly indoor cat.
  5. D


    Hi, I'm new to the Catsite. I'm hoping someone can help answer a few of my questions. My 5 year old tabby, Darby, has had unusual bowel movements in the last several months. Her feces is sometimes watery and mustard yellow in color. She tends to have a lot of gas along with that and will...