Recent Content by CuteBabyBiscuit

  1. CuteBabyBiscuit

    How do I respond to this?

    Definitely agree with the waterbottle and declawing statement. I found too that walking away from her and leaving her in my room for a few minutes when she did something i didn’t like has started to work too. She’s so smart and sweet. Even just now she nipped at me after laying on my chest and...
  2. CuteBabyBiscuit

    How do I respond to this?

    Thank you and yeah I’ve found those short time outs do wonders to calm the initial overstimulation. Hissing doesnt work for my lil lady but I found the firm NO gets through to her. Hissing seemed to make her more riled lol.
  3. CuteBabyBiscuit

    How do I respond to this?

    Yeah I think I’ll start with what I’ve been doing and then if it doesnt work I’ll try other options. But thank you! Def would rather nip it in the bud for sure.
  4. CuteBabyBiscuit

    At the end of my rope

    Hello, I’m sorry your struggling with depression. As someone who also struggles with depression and has my 8 month old kitten I sympathize with you greatly! I have broken down so often with her when struggling through the tougher teaching parts. Wand toys are a big key and play till they are...
  5. CuteBabyBiscuit

    How do I respond to this?

    Biscuit is growing well, she’s really learned how to hold back when biting or tackling. And while she still “tackles” me while on the phone there is no more claws or bites like before. The only damage I’ve got from her was when she stepped over me and her back paw slipped on my arm and she...
  6. CuteBabyBiscuit

    Curious about single kitten syndrome

    Hahaha aint that the truth
  7. CuteBabyBiscuit

    Curious about single kitten syndrome

    Basically just wait it out. Thank you, its been so long since I had a kitten I forgot all of its stages. She’s already showing signs of simmering down which I am very happy about.
  8. CuteBabyBiscuit

    Curious about single kitten syndrome

    Haha ya I have Da Bird. Its her favorite. She literally asks for it at times. Its so cute. She looks up where i keep it and meows. Thank you for all your suggestions and encouragment! i love the playfulness but can’t wait till she simmers down a bit more haha.
  9. CuteBabyBiscuit

    Curious about single kitten syndrome

    Oh interesting ok!
  10. CuteBabyBiscuit

    Curious about single kitten syndrome

    My girl doesn’t listen to hisses at all lol. However a firm NO she seems to get. When I hissed it seemed to spur her on all the more lol. But i’ve noticed her leg and arm grabbing is going down considerably. And I realize much of it was her saying “get the play stick mama!” And after fifteen...
  11. CuteBabyBiscuit

    Curious about single kitten syndrome

    I totally get you and its been a consideration on my mind. In the last few weeks its really calmed down. Even when she does tackle there are no claws and she rarely bites now. Even when she does its the wimpiest little bite lol. But I keep the option of rehoming in the back of my mind if it does...
  12. CuteBabyBiscuit

    Curious about single kitten syndrome

    I do, she has a ton of toys. And I try to rotate them, but she prefers “Da Bird” wand. And as long as I tucker her out with a few minutes of that she seems to not get as antsy. I am glad at least she holds back her claws and teeth when she does jump out to tackle me lol. I’m hoping this is just...
  13. CuteBabyBiscuit

    Curious about single kitten syndrome

    Right ya! Trying to watch myself and make sure I don’t praise behavior. Like today she tackled me (no claws or even teeth, just a rough tackle) and i got up and left for three minutes before coming back and playing with her.
  14. CuteBabyBiscuit

    Curious about single kitten syndrome

    Oh ya I’ve not played with my hands or feet since day one for that reason. My go to lately has been leaving the room for a few minutes and ignoring her as making loud sounds do absolutely nothing lol. Mostly i’ve found when i do wear her out with play she does it less. Its just sometimes i get...
  15. CuteBabyBiscuit

    Curious about single kitten syndrome

    I got my kitten at roughly 10-11 weeks. ( The owner was not entirely sure of her birth as she found her mama as a stray and she was already born when they found them. But based on the fact her eyes had just opened when she found them the vet guessed she was around that age. ) I was unaware of...