Recent Content by cumptrnrd

  1. C

    Crazy Cat

    I play with him 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes around 5 or 6, and 15 minutes before we sleep, but whenever I leave and come back, he just wants to play more. I try to give him all the time I can, but it never seems like enough... How much are those cat sitter DVDs? Would they be at...
  2. C

    Crazy Cat

    I don't really think getting another cat would be good for me right now. I'm a college student with a pretty busy schedule and my apartment doesn't even allow pets. Is there any alternative? I really would feel much better if he had another friend. What does everyone else with single cats do?
  3. C

    Crazy Cat

    Thanks for all the replies. I really would like to get him another friend, but it would be hard because I would never be home with them and because my apartment doesn't allow pets!!! Is there something I could get besides another cat? a fish? haha I play with him for 15 minutes in...
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    Crazy Cat

    I adopted my cat from a shelter when I had an internship and was working 9-5. I would come home at 5 and we would play a little bit, but when it was time to sleep, he would usually sleep with me. Now I am at school and am at class from 9-5. I stop at home for dinner and to play with him, but...
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    Nail Caps

    I saw these nail caps at Petsmart for about $20. I guess you just glue them onto your cat's nails and they fall off after about 6 months or so. Has anyone heard anything about these or tried them? Wouldn't the cat's nails keep growing while they were capped?
  6. C

    People food

    Does it matter if the meat is cooked or raw? I know my friend who is a dog breeder only lets his dogs eat raw chicken...
  7. C

    People food

    What kind of 'people food' is okay for cats to eat? My cat always wants to eat whatever I'm eating, but he gets sad and I feel bad when I can't give him any because I don't know if it will hurt him or not...
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    Help Clipping Nails

    I'm not as concerned about this because I can just vacuum somewhat frequently, but he doesn't like to be combed either... The packaging on the cat brush I got said he would love it!! False advertising...
  9. C

    Help Clipping Nails

    I adopted my cat in February '06 when he was about 2 months old. I was able to cut his nails twice since then, but I NEED to cut them now (they are RAZOR sharp), but he won't stay still! The last two times I did it, he was nearly asleep, but now even though it seems like he's falling asleep...