Recent Content by cremebrulee67

  1. C

    Any Ideas?

    Kitty is not constipated. The doctor gave us Hills Prescriptive Diet Gastroentestinal wet and dry food so it would be easier on his tummy while he gets better. I have not noticed any of the tape worm segments anywhere including where he sleeps or on his body or in his feces or vomit. I think...
  2. C

    Any Ideas?

    His stool was checked and the doctor said he did not have any signs of worms. Now, last night, he vomited twice near his litter box. I hope he gets betters soon. I feel so bad for him. He's having a rough start in life.
  3. C

    Any Ideas?

    I adopted a male 10 week old kitten last week. When I got him I thought his belly was a little bloated and his anus was poking out a little bit and he had diarrhea plus he vomited once. He did not eat or drink anything and did not play much. I got his vet records and they showed he had been...