Recent Content by crazycatlady7

  1. crazycatlady7

    Kitten who is always EXTREMELY hungry?

    Thanks for the reply and great info! I feed him twice daily, but he also gets into other food just about constantly (yet still inhales his food at feeding times).  I think I may try to give him a can of food sporadically throughout the day in addition to his regular dry feedings (perhaps cut...
  2. crazycatlady7

    5 week male kitten help

    I feel like the diarrhea is normal (our kitten - 8 weeks, adopted from a shelter - experienced diarrhea of varying extents for the first month or so in our home), but I would be concerned about the vomiting, especially since this in combination with the diarrhea very easily leads to dehydration...
  3. crazycatlady7

    Kitten who is always EXTREMELY hungry?

    I rescued Turbo from a shelter near us back towards the end of May (the 27th, to be exact), and he was extremely skinny; you know how they inject microchips into the general area of their scruff/shoulder blades?  Well, you could feel Turbo's :(  Anyhow, at the time of adoption, he was supposedly...