Recent Content by crashkitty

  1. C

    Help Sex My Kitten

    Thank you for not talking to me like I'm 5 years old and have no idea what I'm doing. I'm trying to find somewhere to help but options around here are limited. I did come to this site asking for help, sexing the kitten. Thank you all for your input, I'll take it from here.
  2. C

    Help Sex My Kitten

    I have to my pay rent before I can pay a vet bill. I also have a child to care for. I understand he needs to see a vet but I can't afford it right now, so thank you for your input but Im not looking to be lectured.
  3. C

    Help Sex My Kitten

    Okay are you going to pay for it?
  4. C

    Help Sex My Kitten

    How can I get it without seeing a vet
  5. C

    Help Sex My Kitten

    So I know better than to Google things, but I Googled coccidia and now I'm kinda freaking out. He sleeps in my bed, can I get it? Where can I find the medicine, and/or can I get it without seeing a vet? Can it still be in my house or in the litter box after I treat him? Lol what did I get myself...
  6. C

    Help Sex My Kitten

    I did the a&d ointment, he's currently mad at me. I will call everywhere possible first thing tomorrow. Sounds like I'm in a little over my head :/ like I said before though I will try to get him all the care he needs, he's such a special boy and I love him already. Thank you all so much for the...
  7. C

    Help Sex My Kitten

    I've never had to care for such a high needs kitten. Something appears to be wrong with his tail as well. He doesn't lift it very well. He always tucks it to the side and whines when you try to touch it. Im not sure how to care for his bum either. The vet wants and arm and a leg to see him.Not...
  8. C

    Help Sex My Kitten

    A relative actually had him before me. He was the runt and the kittens were not well cared for. They found this guy hiding behind a couch. He's special. He can't meow. His back legs were dislocated or some thing of that sort so he doesn't walk properly. ( hence the name Crash ) not sure how to...
  9. C

    Help Sex My Kitten

    As much as I wold like to know what that has to do with his gender; yes obviously I plan on getting him everything he needs. I've had him for about 18 hours. He's not old enough to be neutered. He's will has his vaccinationson and I dono believe that he has worms
  10. C

    Help Sex My Kitten

  11. C

    Need Help Sexing Kittens

    Sorry to be random and don't mean to look dumb but I need help sexing my kitten but have no idea how to start a new post?