Recent Content by coffeeforlosers

  1. coffeeforlosers

    A New Puppy

    Yes, they stared playing today, but it quickly got ugly. Thanks!
  2. coffeeforlosers

    A New Puppy

    The puppy is mixed, we don't know what breeds exactly. They didn't tell us, but we think she's part beagle. Yes, we have an older dog she sometimes hangs out with. The dog is around seven years old. We keep them in separate rooms almost all the time in case anything happens. I'm worried that...
  3. coffeeforlosers

    A New Puppy

    I've had my cat for about five to six months now, and my brother recently adopted a puppy. The puppy has been with us for about three days, and she's six weeks old. Here's the problem: Whenever they're together, Roma (the cat) starts out sniffing her and then attacks her. She bites and tries to...