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  4. C

    Help! 1st Time Trimming Claws!

    Okay, so I'm a wuss. I take Cleo to the cat hospital every 6-8 weeks and they give her a bath and trim her claws for me. We call it the Kittie Day Spa. She loves going. They fuss over her and tell her she's the most beautiful cat in the world, they give her treats, she just loves it. Since...
  5. C

    Is 3 cats too many?

    I graduated from Murray State University. That area really is pretty.
  6. C

    pet overpopulation in usa

    I paid $150 to have Cleo spayed. Yes, that's a lot of money for the operation. That's what my vet charges people who can afford it. I can, and I know that by paying that much I'm subsidizing my vet's volunteer work with a local no-kill shelter. I figure I paid for at least two other cats to...
  7. C

    Monday D.T.

    Mornin! Mondays are my day to open, so I've been here since 7:30. It's not that bad---by the time I'm really awake, the day is half over. And I get to leave at 3:30.
  8. C

    Friday's DT!!!

    Hail? We've just had rain and a little thunder/lightening downtown. I don't think we're expecting much worse than that. What great news valanhb!
  9. C

    A little late....

    If it's hanging from a doorknob, it may be the noise it makes when they try to use it--you know, unless it's secured on both ends, it'll bang against the door whenever you open or close the door, or if they try to use it to scratch. I had that problem with Cleo--she's really afraid of that post...
  10. C

    Designated sleeping spots

    Cleo likes to sleep on the top of an old steamer trunk I have--the kind that open up like a wardrobe rather than the top opening. I put an old towel up there to lay on. She also likes the windowsill in the bedroom--it's wide enough for her to lay on her side and dangle her feet off the edge...
  11. C

    Prayer is Schools

    I don't even have kids, but I do pay taxes that support schools, and I don't complain about that. I would complain, however, if the public schools were forcing a religion, any religion on students. Even if it was my religion. The way I always figured it when I was a kid was no, there's no...
  12. C

    Only in Canada eh!

    Everyone in Chicago knows Michael Jordan and Oprah. Honest. Actually, Michael (as he's known here, no last name, just Michael) has been such a boon for us. Until he came along, the person most associated with Chicago was Al Capone. Hardly anyone I meet anywhere else mentions Al anymore...
  13. C

    Free Feed or Scheduled Feeding

    Cleo is roughly 10 months old, and I've been free feeding her since I got her. She was literally half starved when I got her, so she ate and ate and ate some more for a while. While I'm still basically free feeding dry kitten food, I actually measured out what she was eating just to see how...
  14. C

    More Reason to Grow Catnip

    I brought home some catnip seedlings and a basil plant last week. Cleo decided she really, really liked the basil! It's outdoors now, so she's making do with the catnip. Good to know it's useful for other things. I may have to go get more.
  15. C

    Wednesday June 12 DT

    Like Spooky said, cooler and foggy in Chicago today. I work about half a block from the lake, so it's really cool and foggy here. I can't even see the top half of the John Hancock (tallest building in the area where I work). Quiet day at work. I'm working on annual reviews for my staff--all...