Recent Content by cheesesickle

  1. cheesesickle

    I made a video compilation of my kitties

    Cheese actually likes it, I've never seen a cat like stuff like that besides him! lol, that's my fiance. You can tell she bit hard because of his face at 0:53
  2. cheesesickle

    I made a video compilation of my kitties

    They're pretty awesome, just wish cheese wouldn't freeze up and just stare at me every other time I try to record him. He's too smart!
  3. cheesesickle

    Misa whines for food!

    She seems really excited, you must feed her some thing she loves. :) Reminds me of cheese. everytime I even walk by the kitchen he starts mewing and walking twords the kitchen like he's saying "You're going the wrong way! The foods over here!"
  4. cheesesickle

    Two week old cutie girls (Picture overload!)

    EEEEE! I think you're going to have some good lookin' kitties. Gia has some really striking makings.
  5. cheesesickle

    I made a video compilation of my kitties

    Cheese is the white and orange one and Ranhie the piranha is the kitten okay, so that's not all of them, kimbie isn't in it. :/ before anyone asks, yes, cheese loves spinning on office chairs (and being pushed around on them, and being carried on a pillow, and a bunch of other strange stuff)...
  6. cheesesickle

    feeding cats live prey

    I'd worry about parasites and diseases. it seems like around here feeder mice and rats are bred and raised in bad conditions, but the only place around here that carried them got shut down because all of the animals were treated poorly.