Recent Content by cerani

  1. cerani

    Advice please, grieving baby

    Last night went with no problems, so I may have been wrong about the reasoning behind her nightly meowing, it was a busy week with lots of dr appointments for me and trips to pickup medications so it was very out of the normal week. Even when she was a kitten she didn't like any others apart...
  2. cerani

    Advice please, grieving baby

    Thank you, I will look into getting something like those on payday for her.
  3. cerani

    Advice please, grieving baby

    @catlover73 I don't believe talking to her like she is human is crazy at all, we do that and have since she was born. Last night (or this morning after she kept me up until 5 am) I tried to tell her that her brother was sick and couldn't stay with us anymore but didn't want to leave us and he...
  4. cerani

    Advice please, grieving baby

    I don't think she would accept another, she has always kind of had a "me and my brother only" kind of attitude, and I'm afraid it would be to soon and she would think we were replacing and not missing him. I know I am far from over the loss, I just try to keep it together and upbeat. I just hate...
  5. cerani

    Advice please, grieving baby

    On July 30th one of my babies lost his battle with a cold. We did everything we could for him but it just wasn't enough. We had to move suddenly (about a week total) but he was doing very well for the first week but then he started showing signs of having the flu (goopy eye, stuffed nose) he was...