Recent Content by celestinak

  1. celestinak

    My Cat won't eat

    Ooh, I've never heard of this!  I'll go find it if it will help. BUT HE DID EAT LAST NIGHT :D!! It was just very little.  Right now he's eating around the same amount our tiny 6.5lb cat does.  For reference he was 10.5lb before he got sick.  Now it's a matter of getting his intake to be higher...
  2. celestinak

    My Cat won't eat

    I guess I'm just here for moral support. We've been to two different vets, and so far my little fuzzbutt is just not responding. One day I came home from work to find my 8 year old cat, Ziltoid the Omnisciet, had vomited up his breakfast.  He then proceeded to vomit the rest of the night, not...