Recent Content by cats r us2

  1. C

    Did anybody see the post i put up?

    oh ok thanks i was just worried nobody ever saw it because it took me so long to type up!!
  2. C

    Harry Potter's Coming!!!

    Im really excited we have preorderd it and they will mail it to us on monday!! the only problem is i will have to fight with my kids to read it!
  3. C

    Did anybody see the post i put up?

    Did anybody she the cat article that i posted? because it dosn't seem to be up here. maybe the maneger of the site didn't want it posted
  4. C

    Mean Cat article

    Hi I was reading the paper the other day and came across this article about cats, and it was really mean. i will post it here: A CATASTROPHE FOR WILDLIFE It's late spring and another avian massacre is under way. the victims are birds - songbirds, mostly - and the culprits are household pets...
  5. C

    How old are everyone's cats/kittens?

    Oreo turns 4 years on april 22 Zeus is 1 year old Mittens is about 6 or 7 months old
  6. C

    answer the last question, ask the next.

    i like watching both, i never use to watch DVDs because we didn't have a DVD player, but we got a new computer that plays DVDs and now i watch them all the time!! If you have ever read Harry Potter, witch one do you like the best so far?
  7. C

    New Kittens

    awwwwwwwwwwwww! there so cute you so lucky!! Beutiful mommy!!
  8. C

    A Spring Joke !

    LOL!! i like that one i will send it to my friends!!
  9. C

    answer the last question, ask the next.

    Nope. Watched any good movies lately?
  10. C

    Where is everyone?

    Sorry i havn't been able to get on my computer, iam on a library computer right now!
  11. C


    thats what my cats do! i try to take a cute pic of them and then they move!! LOL!!:laughing:
  12. C

    answer the last question, ask the next.

    Yes, our mom would let us take in strays all the time and then they would have babies!! it was crazy! What was the last time you went to the library?
  13. C

    Guess what?

    Yeah its so cute when he makes those squeaks!! he also makes a chirpping sound thats really cute!! i will have to ask my dad who lives in kitchener to come over and show me how to post pics, i still can't get it to work.
  14. C


    Thanks guys! yipee!! iam a adult cat!!
  15. C

    The Alphabet Game

    no Quiet!! (those birds are loud!)