Recent Content by CatMumInTraining

  1. C

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Hey there! Honestly, with as many as 8 kitties, I would suggest erring on the side of caution with your isolated kitty. It is such a nightmare when several cats have it, as it multiplies the chances of constant reinfection. I've heard in a couple of places that you're best off waiting till...
  2. C

    6 Things I Learned from Our Ringworm Plague (book length....)

    Hello anyone venturing onto this thread in 2020 or beyond! You guessed it, I'm the lucky winner of a nasty ringworm guerilla warfare experience. Me, my boyfriend with limited patience for most things, and my 6 cats, all rescues from Turkey, two of whom enjoy the home life but will die wriggling...