Recent Content by catmommy2one

  1. C

    New Pix Of Rusty

    my sweet Rusty James who me? yeah i know i'm cute time for my close up
  2. C

    Does anyone else's cat lick plastic bags?

    Oh yes my cat Rusty licks plastic bags all of the time! He especially luvs Wal Mart bags. I just thought he was weird lol:0) Now I know It is a cat thing. Nicole
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    Help....My Cats Are Fighting!

    My almost 2 yr old neutered cat (Rusty) and 7 month old un neutered kitten (Mo Mo) have been fighting Lately. Sometimes It seems to be just play but the Other night I found a sore on the back of my kitten's Ear. I have been keeping If clean so It has healed well. Throughout the day they seem to...
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    Post your blondies here!!

    Rusty 10 month old male... As you can see he luvs 2 sleep lol.
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    What Are Your Kitties Pet Peeves??

    Rusty hates... 1. When mommy re fills my water bowl after I took all that effort to tip It over 2. When I get all comfy and am In a deep sleep and then Mommy moves 3. When Mommy leaves me at home by myself 4. The vaccum cleaner 5. Freshly mopped floor
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    I wanna see your X-RATED cat pics.....

    Aw your cats are beautifil rosiemac! The black n white one kinda looks like my Ella. XOXO Nicole
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    Post pictures of your drink thieves!

    My cat Rusty likes to drink out of cups. He also likes to tip them over too lol. He likes water,tea,and milk. He does't like soda tho. One time he took a little drink of my wine. Luckily I caught him In time lol. I have no pix yet of It:0) XOXO Nicole