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  3. C

    trying to decide if Raven needs a friend

    I think your logic is perfect. I got my cat a pal after moving into an apartment solo, and worrying that he was getting lonely. He wasn't exhibiting signs of stress before but he does seem happier now. And I don't worry if I'm away for longer than usual. So yeah, two cats is a great idea. They...
  4. C

    Seth caught a mouse!

    No, but I don't want to warn the prey . I'd love for him to catch it ... I just want him to finish the job outside the house. Hence the confusion...
  5. C

    Seth caught a mouse!

    I'll try that next time. Trust me, I wasn't *trying* to get him drop it. I really wanted him to get the mouse out of the house (it ate all my flour...) Thanks
  6. C

    Seth caught a mouse!

    My cat caught his first mouse, in the apartment, unfortunately. While I'm inordinately proud of him (I never thought he'd be able to catch anything), I wasn't sure what to do. He had the mouse alive in his mouth, and I wasn't keen on letting him kill it and possibly dismember it in the...
  7. C

    Seth & Alastor

    Thanks from north of the 49th. And yes, they are trouble. Less together than apart though - they keep each other out of mischief for the most part.
  8. C

    I'd say her training is coming along well...

    Your cats are beautiful!!!
  9. C

    Seth & Alastor

    Just wanted to introduce my kitties ... I've already introduced myself in the new cats forum. Big one's Seth, little one is Alastor.
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    I'm not sure if posting pics is kosher on any other forum than the one made for that ... I'll post in there. Thanks for all the welcomes!
  11. C


    Hiya. I'm new here. I have two little black boys, Seth and Alastor. Seth is 3, Alastor is about 5 months old. Seth is a very sweet, sociable cat, and ever since I've gotten my own apartment earlier this year (ie: no roommates) I've worried about him being lonely. Enter Alastor ... they get...