Recent Content by Caspers Human

  1. Caspers Human

    A year or scratching and biting! Help!!

    I'm in the minority, here, because I like to hand-play with my cats. However, there is a caveat: Wrestling with a cat is like playing rugby. You wouldn't play rugby if you didn't expect to get a few bumps, bruises, concussions or even broken bones. If you don't accept the risks, don't set...
  2. Caspers Human

    Making the bed around the cat

    He usually tries to sleep with his butt in your face and his front paws on your chest! I tried to get him to scoot his butt over so he's laying crosswise but, no, he doesn't want that. I get it. He wants to sleep close to his humans but that's over the limit! Besides, he farts! I don't know...
  3. Caspers Human

    Making the bed around the cat

    Elliot likes to sleep on top of you. It's kind of nice but he weighs in at about fifteen pounds. That's a lot of cat to fall asleep under! I'm teaching him to sleep next to my pillow. If he does that and stays quiet, I'll roll over and put my arm around him so he can snuggle. He's good...
  4. Caspers Human

    Making the bed around the cat

    Our cats are trained. If Casper is on the bed and I come into the room to take off my clothes and put on my jammies, he automatically gets up and moves over even before I get into bed. If the cat doesn't move, I'll pet him and say, "Move over." I give him a half-minute to wake up and get his...
  5. Caspers Human

    How to get rid of rats in the barn

    In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to relocate wildlife. Even rats. Also, you'd have to take them far, far away...miles...or else they will come back. The problem with that is that rats and other wildlife are territorial. Animals that already live in a given territory territory will harass any...
  6. Caspers Human

    Can Grass-fed meat and organs create a Vitamin A imbalance

    "Grass-Fed" should mean that the cow ate nothing but grass or its mother's milk from the time it was born to the time when it gets butchered. Even though there are rules about what can be called Grass-Fed, there is virtually no enforcement. The upshot is that a cow that eats but a single blade...
  7. Caspers Human

    Can Grass-fed meat and organs create a Vitamin A imbalance

    I don't think that "grass fed" makes much difference, at all. All it means is that animals aren't sent to a feed lot before they are slaughtered. The idea might have started with good intentions but, today, it's mostly marketing BS. I think that the important thing is to limit the amount of...
  8. Caspers Human

    My cat purring at everyone but me

    Get some Churu treats and feed him one while he lays on you. Our youngest, Elliot, goes nutso for Churus! He sits on my lap, literally shivering, as he waits for me to open one! He sucks them down as fast as I can squeeze them out! He demolishes two at a time in only a few minutes! No...
  9. Caspers Human

    A kitten fell down my chimney and I need advice!

    Big owls like Great Horned Owls and Barred Owls typically attack by swooping down with their feet forward and their talons spread. They hit their prey with all their weight and the total force is multiplied by their speed. The prey will be severely stunned if not killed, outright. A large owl...
  10. Caspers Human

    A kitten fell down my chimney and I need advice!

    If Nikolas sees Tato getting attention from new humans, he might decide that he wants some attention for himself. Our Elliot is a Velcro Kitty who wants attention all the time. Casper is, normally, aloof. He'll come in for a quick "fly-by" but he's not a lap cat, by any stretch of the...
  11. Caspers Human

    What do they hate-love?

    Or, rather, you are the designated belly rubber! ;)
  12. Caspers Human

    What do they hate-love?

    Elliot DEMANDS belly rubs! He'll follow you around like a dog, meowing for attention. When you reach down to pet him, he flops on the floor, rolls over and makes you pet his belly.
  13. Caspers Human

    Cat potentially stepping in Terro liquid ant bait??

    Like @Biomehanika says, it's basically the same as the "20-Mule Team" borax that you buy in the grocery store. People have been using it to do laundry and clean things around the house for decades. It won't kill you unless you ingest a lot of it. By a lot, I mean a LOT! A normal, average...
  14. Caspers Human

    Cat keeps waking me up unusually early

    Yes! That reminds me... Do you play with her before going to bed? Sometimes, it helps if you "play her out" at night, before bed. By "play out," I mean to play with her until she's too tired to continue. Cats often need that kind of stimulation. That's why @Alldara suggests having another...
  15. Caspers Human

    What do they hate-love?

    Casper hate-loves to be picked up. If you try to pick him up, he'll try to escape. Then, when you pick him up and pet him, he'll purr. He looks around the room like he's checking out a new vantage point. Then, you have about a half-minute until he starts fidgeting for you to put him down...