Recent Content by caringcatgirl

  1. C

    Feline Asthma

    I worked for a Holistic vet for years. She saw many cats with asthma and used a lot of acupuncture on them. It was truly amazing since so many people would have their cats on steroids and inhalers for years and it still wouldnâ€8482t control it. But after acupuncture series and occasional...
  2. C

    help and calm me please

    I just happen to be sitting at work (a feline only vet hosp) reading this Forum. We tell all our clients to expect any cats or kittens that receive vaccines to be lethargic for up to 48 hours. Vaccines can cause an elivation in a cats body temperature which like in us causes us not to feel so...
  3. C

    Need immediate advice... blood clot

    I am sure if she was just at the vet they looked for signs of fluid build up in the stomach and abdomen. But with heart conditions this can be a very big issue. Hopefully your vet has referred you to a cartiologist. They are so specialized I would say they will give you the best feedback