Recent Content by captain dave

  1. captain dave

    The ^ > V Game

    ^ Sigh...the feel of my wife's hand in mine...sorry, didn't mean to make this a "downer". It's just been one of those days. I miss her smile. > The weather outside is frightful, but I have no fire to make it delightful...only a cabin heater...and two lap-warmers that purr. This helps my mood...
  2. captain dave

    Name Five - Game

    Fried okra (yes, for me, it is)...oh...we're done with the snacks. Okay, then. Well...darn. I want okra! See what you all did??? ;-) Okay, mountain ranges: Walvis Ridge Ninety Rise Galápagos Rise Lomonosov Ridge Melanesian Rise (Yep...they're all undersea mountain ranges. Hey, what did you...
  3. captain dave

    What food are you craving? - 2016

    Ah, Cap'n Crunch...the only breakfast cereal that gleefully shreds the roof of your mouth into a bloody mess and leaves us begging for more! ;-) Sadly, I've made the mistake of reading the ingredient lists. Thank you, side panel, for ruining my childhood! No cereal for me tonight, though I've...
  4. captain dave

    Name Five - Game

    Delirious Let's Get Crazy Purple Rain Raspberry Beret When Doves Cry Name 5 desserts that are associated with specific holidays (and their holidays - bonus round!).
  5. captain dave

    Game - Movie/Actor

    Romancing the Stone
  6. captain dave

    Game - Movie/Actor

    Nehemiah Persoff
  7. captain dave

    Warm/Cold "Wet" Food

    I have the small single-serving cans, and Zoey used to leave a little bit for later. I wouldn't let it stay out more than about an hour, and put the rest in the refrigerator (if there was enough), and then add a bit of hot water and stir it up. Refrigerating any leftovers does tend to dry it...
  8. captain dave

    Game - Movie/Actor

    Robert Webber Edit: Darnit...beaten to the punch. Okay, then...Tony... (trivia: Tony Curtis' given name when he was born was Bernard Schwartz) The Great Race   (Loved that movie!!!)
  9. captain dave

    Name Five - Game

    Japanese cherry (my favorite) Magnolia Rhododendron Climbing Hydrangea Honeysuckle Name 5 common allergens (aye, 'tis the sneezon   )
  10. captain dave

    Name Five - Game

    Talk to it in calming, soothing tones (even if it's doing something "bad" - you don't want to make it even MORE anxious - in this case, just gently pick it up if you can to move it to another location away from whatever the bad thing was, or if you can't pick it up, gently scoot it away from...
  11. captain dave

    Game - Movie/Actor

    Oh, sure, pick a movie with only about half a dozen actors whose only other works were TV series!  Dang...had to dig on this one. Okay then... Dan Frazer
  12. captain dave

    What food are you craving? - 2016

    What am I craving? Or what can I eat at the moment? I am craving gumbo. (Yes, again.) Real gumbo. Honest-to-goodness authentic gumbo. With okra (hence, being called "gumbo"). What can I eat? Soup...yay...nasty crud going around, and all I can pretty much swallow without wanting to scream is...
  13. captain dave

    Name Five - Game

    Dried, ground clay Recycled newspaper Kiln-fired, extruded sawdust Silica gel Corn cobs That was a good one - on topic with the site and it made me think! So, in keeping with this new trend... Name 5 methods of dealing with a cat's claws.
  14. captain dave

    The ^ > V Game

    ^ I would like to think that I have complete control over many aspects of my life, not merely my attitude, but the societal conditioning and programming that we are all subjected to from birth does tend to stand in the way of true freedom. > I do everything I can to keep things that are "bad"...
  15. captain dave

    Name Five - Game

    Triticale Rye Oat Wheat Rice Name 5 Mountain Ranges