Recent Content by ButterRingworm

  1. ButterRingworm


    Yes he is worth it! I’ll just feel a lot better when I’m completely clear as well!
  2. ButterRingworm


    Oh I did get it back of neck. Arms. That was the first time. Then about 3 weeks ago I was cleaning my bedroom and went to dust the fan blades and a whole snowfall of dust came raining down in me. I didn’t realize that I had not cleaned the blades before that time. Oh NOOOO I thought! I...
  3. ButterRingworm


    No fleas. I asked about it when the vet tech first came in before the doc came in and she mentioned that his skin was healing and it would be itchy. I guess it’s much like us. If we have a scab it is very itchy when healing. At least I hope that’s what’s going on! I can’t deal with another...
  4. ButterRingworm

    Chronic Ringworm Nightmare

    Hi there! I too have experienced this nightmare with my new kitten. He was VERY resistant to treatment despite oral Antifungals, Miconizole baths, 26 lime sulfur dip‘s, twice a week. It just seemed to get worse and worse and spread over his entire body. It has been 121 days. And I think he’s...
  5. ButterRingworm


    Hi! I have a kitten that was diagnosed with ringworm shortly after I found him. He has now had 2 negative cultures and does not have anymore lesions on him but he is still itchy. His ringworm was severe with open wounds/scabs. I have 2 questions: 1. Do cat still itch even after ringworm has be...