Recent Content by bucky

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    Helping me fold the laundry

    Bubbles likes to pet my face with her head:
  2. B

    Helping me fold the laundry

    The smaller one, Bubbles, is the mommy. But the silver tabby sitting on the table is Queenie, who also doubles as Bubbles official spokeskitty:
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    Helping me fold the laundry

    After devouring the spider, they perform the time honored kitty post hunting ritual of pretending to wonder where the prey disappeared to.
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    Helping me fold the laundry

    A little known fact about American Shorthairs is they are expert spider hunters. Bubbles spots something: Hey! Queenie! Look! A SPIDER!!! (Queenie pokes her head around the corner) Did you say spider? Using their mental powers to will him off the wall, the spider inexplicably falls to...
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    All Coffee is not created equal!

    I'm addicted to Coffee Fool. For unflavored coffee, my usual is Ethiopian Harrar in a French Press, but I also like to make cappuccinos with their Pacific Espresso. Their Wallenford Estate Jamaican Blue Mountain is to die for, but so is the price tag. Also, their Extra Fancy Kona is the best...
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    Helping me fold the laundry

    in their own "helpful" way