Recent Content by brivera

  1. B

    2 new cats...not getting along

    I'm glad to report that there HAS been progress. I basically kept Ed in the safe room whenever we were not present in the home to supervise them or when we were sleeping. The room included a kitty condo near a window, food, and some toys (amongst other comfy items). Tootsie got run of the...
  2. B

    2 new cats...not getting along

    We have set up 3 cat boxes, all in different areas of the house, and I haven't seen Ed blocking them. It could be that Tootsie is anxious to use the box. The feliway seems to be helping a little bit...not much though. I've been hesitant about keeping Ed in the safe room. I feel like it's...
  3. B

    2 new cats...not getting along

    Yikes! I wrote in a couple of days ago...two new adult cats, one hissing and growling incessantly which has caused the other (less abrasive) cat to become a "bully"...he is trying to guard resources, intervenes when the other cat is getting attention (which only causes more hissing and growling...
  4. B

    Cat Bully

    Thanks for the suggestion. I went to buy the diffuser today, and Petco happened to be all out! I did buy the spray and spritzed all around the house. I also found out that the problem is not territorial spray/marking by the male, but more anxious reaction from the female when she is attacked...
  5. B

    Cat Bully

    Please Help! I recently lost my dear cat to heart disease. A few weeks had passed and I thought it would be a good idea to liven up the house (and spread the love) with a couple new cats. I chose to adopt two adults as I realized that kittens in shelters would find a home faster than the more...