Recent Content by Brittney Chasse

  1. B

    Please Help!! Pregnant Mom Giving Birth And Just Noticed That A Kittens Feet Are Hanging Out!!!

    No the kitten is not. And I read that article and many others but the problem is that there is only 1 paw hanging out. If it was 2 it would be a little easier to help her but there is no way with only 1 paw hanging out. We are packing her up now with the other baby and heading to our nearest...
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    Please Help!! Pregnant Mom Giving Birth And Just Noticed That A Kittens Feet Are Hanging Out!!! cat gave birth to 1 kitten yesterday And all was fine. I checked her out and she seemed fine!! Just today I noticed she had been licking herself and I just took a look(i didn't want to disturb her as she has been with her kitten all day) as she got up to go get some food and I took a...
  3. B

    My Pregnant Cats Stomach Decreased In Size After Giving Her Praziquantel

    Sure will!! I can relax finally!Thank you so much. I have been in panic all day hoping I didn't harm the innocent kitties!
  4. B

    My Pregnant Cats Stomach Decreased In Size After Giving Her Praziquantel

    I'm pretty sure she's coming to the end of her pregnancy. She's just laying around and taking it easy. She's very irritable around my 2 year old and that's the cats best friend lol she never acts irritated with my daughter so I think it's almost time. I just thought for sure I had harmed the...
  5. B

    My Pregnant Cats Stomach Decreased In Size After Giving Her Praziquantel

    I'm pretty sure she's coming to the end of her pregnancy
  6. B

    My Pregnant Cats Stomach Decreased In Size After Giving Her Praziquantel

    So yesterday I noticed something that looked like grains of rice around my cats anus. Googled it and it said tape worms. Went to petsmart and got praziquantel and gave that to her yesterday afternoon and I gave her an entire pill cause she's 5.5lbs. She's acting fine other than her stomach is...