Recent Content by brendon searle

  1. brendon searle

    Cat large bulbous scabs all over face

    No, she does not eat from plastic. But I'm not sure we have appropriately cleaned her eating/drinking bowls while changing food. I will get on that.  Well as she seems to be improving just from leaving it alone and the steroids, hopefully that will be the end of this, We have a follow up...
  2. brendon searle

    Cat large bulbous scabs all over face

    Hey Stephen, The vet didn't rule out the possibility of allergies (I think she gave us the steroids to suppress an allergic reaction), but we had thought after the ringworm test came back negative that an allergy was a possibility, and changed the cats food for a couple weeks twice, and changed...
  3. brendon searle

    Cat large bulbous scabs all over face

    Hey y'all. I'm here for my girlfriend, her cat Smush has recently developed (the past couple months) a terrible skin condition. The cat scratches at her head constantly and has been mutilating (tearing large chunks of skin off) herself for a while. When the cat gashed it's eye open recently, we...