Recent Content by brenda turner

  1. brenda turner

    savannah breeders.

    Mister is my F5 Savannah male, he is very sleek and leggy, but not much bigger than our Siamese used to be. He is muscley, but not huge. We paid a few quid shy of £1200 for him, he has been neutered as we didn't want to breed. Nature wise, he is the sweetest cat we have ever had share our home...
  2. brenda turner

    Hi from Mister's Slave owner

    I have put pics of Mister on the furry pics forum, at present he has taken to the chicken coop for a rest and to terrorise the Diva girls (my hens).
  3. brenda turner

    Hi from Mister's Slave owner

    I know, he is looking sorry for himself at the moment as he has a bee sting on his cheek, at present he is hiding behind this Mac yowling for treats. I have to be careful regarding what meds he can take as Savannah's don't tolerate some usual cat drugs.  Thank the Lord my vet knows Savannah's...
  4. brenda turner

    Say hello to Mister Bojangles, Mister to his friends....

    Thank You, he is an F5 Savannah and such a pretty puss. Madpants, the Labrador is convinved she is his Mummy, they groom each other, she tries to carry him by his neck!! and he attacks her, a bit like Cato in Pink Panther.  But not a claw or hiss from Mister.  I am his besotted, devoted slave.
  5. brenda turner

    How do you name your cats?

    Mister Bojangles was the name chosed for our boy, he had such attitude and I thought of the Mr's in the Tarrantino film, all cool swagger. He is now Mister to all and sundry, but I have been known to call Bo, Bo when he is poorly (ill).  Our other cats were, Dennis (the magic cat, tada), Snoops...
  6. brenda turner

    Say hello to Mister Bojangles, Mister to his friends....

    he was just 8 weeks when this was taken More pics later .... I am rescuing a hare he has dragged through the cat flap!!!
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