Recent Content by boald tib

  1. B

    Can't break tapeworm cycle!

    My indoor cat has been going through cycles of tapeworms for a couple of years now. Ever few months I'll notice he's scratching again and then notice the rice-shaped bits of tapeworm stuck near his anus. 1) I've been to two different vets a total of three times. My cat has been given...
  2. B

    Cat Attacking Litter Box Door Flap

    I have an extra large enclosed litter box for my one cat (who is somewhere around 8 years old, he was adopted from a shelter)—I scoop regularly and give him ample litter. The only problem is he hates the door flap. He's a smart cat, so it's not like he's getting trapped. After he's done with his...
  3. B

    Cat losing weight yet healthy?

    Our cat has always been on the fat side. We tried everything over the years to curb this, but overall he maintained being a fairly big cat. He's around 13 years old now, and I know his years are dwindling down, but he seems to be in perfect health--healthier than before even. He's lost a bunch...