Recent Content by bmw guy

  1. B

    Kitten doesn't like Wellness...*sigh*

    Another possibility is he may desire to nibble through out the day. You may want to give it a chance for a bit and see how he does. Even though he appeared to have gorged in the past, by nature cats are more nibblers.
  2. B

    Which Probiotics do you use?

    You can also try changing (temporarly) the cat's diet to one or more of the following foods depending on what your cat prefers. some items to add to the current diet are: Boiled rice cottage cheese bread plain yogurt boiled chicken baby food strained meat varieties. A lower fat moderate...
  3. B

    Angel is gaining so much weight,,

    Some cats like people tend to over eat until they are full. Some cats can be free fed other cannot due to a lack of control. A simple solution would be to control the feeding and decrease the caloric intake. The three variables you can work with are decrease the volume, decrease the fat...
  4. B

    some advice please....

    Approach the neighbors and tell them your concern that the cat needs a vet. Perhaps the two of you can come up with something. They may simply not know he's ill.
  5. B

    Fire. Burnt pastic. ARE MY CATS OK?

    Hello, I'll take this one. Glass would be a much better option, how ever you have plastic so thats what we have to work with. Your husband most likley left the containers sitting on the bottom of the pan also. A safer technique might be to utilize a container floating within another container...
  6. B

    Please Help Asap

    V would mean oral, meaning kitty will take the medication through the mouth. G would mean parenteral. Parenteral nutrition can be delivered by intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intraosseous or intraperitoneal routes, but the preferred method in veterinary medicine for this type of...
  7. B

    Please Help Asap

    Augmentin is a type of an antibiotic amoxicillin. 1 ml = .03 ounces, hence 4 ml = 1/8th of an ounce. When using the eye dropper fill it just below the 5 ml line. My Bengals won't allow me (it's a struggle) to drop medication into their mouth in which I mix the medication with a spoonfull of...
  8. B

    My Cat foam at mouth then died

    In cats, it is first important to rule out stuff that they might have eaten, because cats salivate (foam) really excessively as the result of ingesting several medications and flea sprays. Roach and ant bait traps are usually a compound of something sweet and borac acid (Borax and Borates). The...
  9. B

    trouble bonding

    Allow me to digress for a second. I was touring the largest milk dairy in the USA this past week. I observed the berth of a calf and noticed the tech. was bottle feeding the calf immediately. After awhile when the tech. finished the calf tried to nurse from it's mothers teet. The mother cow...
  10. B

    Bleach cleaning question

    Bleach is really a diluted chemical called Sodium hypochlorite. This chemical is an excellent biocide and is even used for instance in dairys to clean their pumps and pipes. In brewerys a weak solution of 1 % household bleach in warm water is used to sanitize smooth surfaces prior to brewing of...
  11. B

    It's Legal To Kill Pets In Texas!!

    A felony crime like that will most likely be 6 months to 24 months in jail and 3 years probation. The fine will be anywhere from $500 to $10,000 fine. Let's hope his cell mate is a big mean guy named Bubba that loves puppys.
  12. B

    My house smells so bad :(

    Apply some basic engineering logic to your problem. You need to first identify the exact problem. "Smells too much is too general". You may have one problem or you may have multipal problems IE 6 different problems. 1) Where: Is the smell all over the house, or just near the litter box in one...
  13. B

    Kitten Food for senior cat? Senior Food for kitten?

    It's really not to big of a deal because the foods are relitively close. I don't know which senior cat food you have but generally speaking senior cat food address the following: Weight management, urinary tract health, hip & joint support, healthy heart & eyes, and kidney function & digestion...
  14. B

    Tape caught on Wiskers

    Good job on removing the tape, I did not have good of luck with duct tape stuck to my guys face. I had something similar happen to one of my Bengals in which I simply cut his whiskers. They grew back very fast. Both mine are house cats and they could do without measuring themselves for as long...