Recent Content by BlueRaccoon

  1. BlueRaccoon

    How to train a Velcro cat? I'm losing my mind.

    I REALLY appreciate everyone's advice. I got a bed to sit next to me, and I'm trying to be consistent with moving him over to it. I now need to find toys the kids can play with him with. :)
  2. BlueRaccoon

    How to train a Velcro cat? I'm losing my mind.

    Thank you. I have thought about the bed idea on the couch. He actually has a non-biological 'sister', lol, that he adores. They are 6 months apart in age, and have been together for the last 9 years. He snuggles her, but he prefers me. I guess I should be honored, lol.
  3. BlueRaccoon

    How to train a Velcro cat? I'm losing my mind.

    So I know this may upset some people, but I'm trying to do my best with the situation, so please be kind. I have a cat that is obsessed with being on my lap. I've owned him since 1.5 months old, and he is 9 now. I can't take it anymore. Between struggling with health issues, stress, and very...
  4. BlueRaccoon

    Can I get some parakeets?

    Thank you! Those are all great things to consider. Oh, yes.....I have already thought about the seeds and feathers everywhere. However, my part time job is vacuuming with all the pets we already
  5. BlueRaccoon

    Can I get some parakeets?

    Hello! We had a death in the family, and their pet birds need a home. I have considered taking these parakeets in. I have experience with birds, but not with cats and birds. I have two cats. They are 7 and 8 years old. Would I be able to have parakeets with these cats? I obviously wouldn't let...
  6. BlueRaccoon

    Cat is breaking and dumping everything!

    Yeah, I was thinking he may be bored....I'm going to look for some new toys and rotate them throughout the week to keep it interesting. Also, thanks for the articles and putty suggestion!
  7. BlueRaccoon

    Cat is breaking and dumping everything!

    Thank you! I will definitely do that.
  8. BlueRaccoon

    Cat is breaking and dumping everything!

    Hello, I have a 3 year old who won't stop breaking everything. I don't have many decorations out because of this, but he is still finding things to knock over. He knocks over cups with and without lids, he knocks over candles, pans, etc. Anything he can, he will. He's breaking everything! There...
  9. BlueRaccoon

    Christmas with Cats.....?

    I haven't put a Christmas tree up for 4 years because of my cat. My first two did ok, but I'm not convinced this new one will. He will probably eat it. I also now have a flocked tree. The one with snow. It's non toxic, but if they eat too much it can clog their intestines because it's saw dust...
  10. BlueRaccoon

    My cat is obsessed with me!

    My cat is a little too dependent on me. I can not sit down without him being on me. It's impossible to get him to leave me alone. No matter how many times I set him down, he comes back immediately. He uses all of his strength to stay on me. When he sees me he cries. I have other cats. They do...
  11. BlueRaccoon

    What houseplants will cats avoid?

    I love house plants, but very few do my cats ignore. They either eat them, or they chew on them, killing the leaves. Do you know of any houseplants that my cats will just leave alone? Thank you!
  12. BlueRaccoon

    Dinner time craziness!

    I'm ready to pull my hair out. I have three cats. I feed them twice a day. They all eat in separate places so I know they eat. In the past, my vet said they were fed enough, and they all have very healthy weights. When I go to feed them, they lose their minds! They trip me, I almost step on...
  13. BlueRaccoon

    Cats have become brave about stealing food.....

    They eat dry food! I do not give them wet food. I don't give my cats free fed kibble because one of my cats is overweight (not one of the two doing this though), and I wouldn't be able to keep my dog out of it. I will read those articles to make sure I am feeding them enough. Also, what would...
  14. BlueRaccoon

    Cat acts like he doesn't recognize the other cats

    Good point! Thank you. I am not grooming or shampooing him, and they are all 100% indoor cats. Maybe there is a smell I am missing that he is associating with him. This little one is very affected by smells and cleanliness. He is an EXTREMELY CLEAN cat, and he gets upset if they others don't do...