Recent Content by bluebo

  1. bluebo

    Questions about pre-made raw

    Thank you guys for the advice! My boy is doing VERY well on an all canned diet, so maybe I should leave well enough alone and just supplement with some raw? The last thing I was is to ruin the progress we've made with his constipation issues!
  2. bluebo

    The Weight Loss Support Group

    Hey ladies (and possibly gents), just wanted to let you know that I was able to lose 60 pounds in 6 months (I've plateaued for the past few months due to an injury but I haven't gained). Around 30 away from my goal weight! Good job on all of your weight loss!
  3. bluebo

    Questions about pre-made raw

    Hi all! Haven't been here for a LONG time :wavey: but I have a few questions concerning pre-made raw: - my cat used to have chronic constipation on kibble (he is now on canned and is no longer constipated), aren't raw poops small and hard? Would the higher bone content in pre-made raw patties...
  4. bluebo

    I don't trust Merrick now!!

    I didn't see this until now. Thank you for the information. I will be more careful now when I am feeding my cat Merrick and will check for dents and a seal.
  5. bluebo

    Matt's refusing all wet food but cheap brands.......and can eat corn now????

    Yes, this ^ It's not that I'm advocating kibble. I don't like it anymore then members on here BUT my cat did start to get REALLY stinky break on wet. Maybe I'll take him in for another dental...? Maybe they didn't catch something?
  6. bluebo

    I don't trust Merrick now!!

    Well my cat hasn't shown any adverse reactions to his Turducken, but I just bought him some new cans yesterday... hopefully those go over well. The only other thing I can complain about would be that the cans seem less full then usual. Some cans are normal and then some cans are 3/4 full..? I...
  7. bluebo

    I don't trust Merrick now!!

    Yes I do love him dearly. From the moment I met my scraggly, shaved old man in the SPCA and he hopped up on my shoulder and started his motor like purr. To the time when I got him home and kissed him on his face (which he did not enjoy and promptly bit me on the chin lol). To now when I am...
  8. bluebo

    I don't trust Merrick now!!

    I understand what you are saying. I do love my cat, that is undeniable... I worry about whether I am doing enough for him the same as I worry about my husband and kids. I WILL mourn him, who am I fooling? Lol I have only ever felt this way about a cat one time in my life. I feel very bonded to...
  9. bluebo

    Matt's refusing all wet food but cheap brands.......and can eat corn now????

    I believe dental kibble does have its place. I cannot prove this theory with a study any more then then people that are against it. I know that my cats breath has gotten significantly worse and that was before AND after a dental. His teeth were never like that on kibble... you do the math.
  10. bluebo

    I don't trust Merrick now!!

    Very true.
  11. bluebo

    I don't trust Merrick now!!

    Thank you for not crucifying me for being frank. Don't get me wrong- I love my boy, but I am actually losing sleep over this now. I had about 2-3 hours last night lol.
  12. bluebo

    I don't trust Merrick now!!

    That IS true Willowy. I suppose maybe I get too paranoid lol. I'll keep feeding Merrick but if I see mold on my cans, I'll probably freak out lol
  13. bluebo

    I don't trust Merrick now!!

    No I would not feel bad. I have other things that I am much more concerned about and as long as I do my personal utmost, that is ALL I am required (all I WANT) to do. I feel awkward and strange when people believe that pets are rated the same as children ..... they are not. The responsibility...
  14. bluebo

    I don't trust Merrick now!!

    I have literally tried everything, that is the issue. He says to take care of the creatures in your ownership and I do that. I may keep on with the Merrick but I am wary now...
  15. bluebo

    I don't trust Merrick now!!

    I appreciate everyone on here that has attempted to help me with Bo and his dietary requirements. I realized one very detrimental thing about myself recently... I have my priorities skewed. My first and foremost priority is (should be) my God/family. I have not been acting like it by obsessing...