Recent Content by bella_donna

  1. B

    I am so sore...

    Not having solid food is THE worst part. I had liquidised chicken potatoes and veg which was weird, a bit like baby food but it tasted nice! I craved for a curry and one night managed some curry sauce which was heaven.
  2. B

    I am so sore...

    Poor you, I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 26. I had general anasthetic so I reckon they really pulled me about. Couldn't open my mouth properly for several days and had to eat liquidised food. Also felt really weepy for a while after. The swelling will go down in a few days - chin up...
  3. B

    Does your cat loves the rain?

    Pixie loves sitting in the rain until she is soaked. Then she comes in and I pick up her special towel and she trots over to be thoroughly dried off, purring her head off all the while... then she'll go out and do it all over again
  4. B

    who is watching the World Cup games??

    We're watching most of them, had a day off so all 3 games today But I hate the vuvuzelas, they give me a headache even from the TV Weird thing - both hubby and I drew Ghana in our separate work sweepstakes, spooky...
  5. B

    2 years ago today...

    That is a lovely story, I hope that you go on and live the rest of your lives together so happy Me and my husband Ken have been together 24 years, over half my life and we are still as happy and close (if not closer) as ever, with our never ending furry friends to keep us company
  6. B

    Oh, Oliver...

    Love these stories, and Oliver is a real sweet boy! Pixie is my little devil - now it's light at 5am she is all go. She gets up on the ledge over our bed and systematically paws at various objects to wake us up. I'm getting used to having my sleep cut now
  7. B

    do you dream about your cats??

    I dream about my girls, but they are not usually bad dreams thankfuly. I had a sweet dream once about Tippy after she had passed where she spoke to me and called me mummy, it was so lovely
  8. B

    If they could choose the menu...

    Sasha doesn't really do human food apart from fresh cod (cooked), but will devour any fly or moth she comes across (yeeuuch!) Pixie on the other hand will eat all sorts given half the chance - fish, chicken, cheese, cauliflower (??) Tippy used to love spare ribs - she would fish the bones out...
  9. B

    Ginger's Gotcha Day and Pepper's Birthday!

    Awesome pics, they really are beautiful! It's nice to see how their little lives developed, and I love the herb/spice name theme too..
  10. B

    Wilbur and his fuzz

    Hehe, that's funny Pixie loves playing with foam earplugs, she brings them to me and drops them at my feet for me to throw!
  11. B

    Some People!!

    Aw what a shame, that's seriously annoying!
  12. B

    I have a very serious request for prayers, vibes, or whatever you can spare...

    That is a terrible place to be at, I send positive vibes to you all
  13. B

    How often do you wear make-up? men and women welcome ;-)

    I wear make up every weekday when going to work, it's a habit. I've got it down to about 5 mins and that's full eye make up. I only wear powder/bronzer on my face. At the weekend I'm happy to go without for some reason, wonder why that is??
  14. B

    Did you Do Anything DUMB Today???

    Hehe, I think she probably enjoyed the diversion
  15. B

    Daily Thread TGIF May 7th!

    Hello I'm from the UK, is SC South Carolina? 90 deg sounds like heaven to me! We have about 13 (55) deg here, hoping for some warm weather before too long but not optimistic.. Looking forward to the weekend, I'd like to get some gardening done