Recent Content by bearvin

  1. B

    My sweet Coco

    So sorry for your loss and took her pain and made it your own, giving her the greatest gift of all.  My heart and thoughts are with you.
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    Can't get a cat in a carrier.

    Ander35, I'm going make a video this weekend of me doing my "cat insertion" carrier technique.  I've had repeated success with it over many years of crazy cat ownership.  Nothing is guaranteed, but you may want to give it a shot.  Please note that I totally agree that having your cat WILLINGLY...
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    It's been a year

    What a beautiful little man Zetsy was......your words are a beautiful memorial.  You took his pain and made it your own and by doing that, you gave him the greatest reward for all the unconditional love he gave you.  Your life is all that much richer for having had him in it for so long.  Bless...
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    Poor baby.  However, it DID give me a laugh thinking back, oh, 30+ years ago to my very first cat.  Runt of the litter at the shelter and she apparently had intestinal issues and I remember bringing her over to my neighbor's apartment and she started pooping in the living room so I picked her up...
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    When the moment comes...

    Gareth, I am so blown away by your words.....I've had to "let go" of a number of my babies over the past 35 years and have described it as "taking his/her pain and making it my own".  I have printed out your post and will share it with others.  Everything you said is absolutely true.....I have...
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    Should I Still Be Hoping My Missing Cat Will Come Home?

    Norchan, I just spent quite a bit of time reading this thread back from when you first posted it.  Your love of cats is incredible.....all you do for the ferals!!!  My heart goes out to you (and George) and all the other cat parents who have lost their babies.  I get moved to tears any time...
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    First off, you absolutely did the right thing by taking your baby to the vet right away. ~~I, too, am disgusted at the vet's suggestion of putting your cat down, especially on the first visit for God's sake!!! This vet does NOT sound like he/she is at the top of their game and I would strongly...
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    Sudden Cat Death

    I feel the same way as "Whatever".....I don't have any insight or advice to give and wish I did, but I wanted you to know how sorry I am for your loss and that my heart goes out to you.  Hopefully you can get some comfort from the fact that both of your babies appeared not to have suffered and...
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    Home-Made Cat toys

    What a coincidence!!  For the past year, my husband and I have been amazed how "string on a stick" (as we call it) has become the favorite toy of our 2 youngest cats (we have 4).  We don't even have a piece of twine on the end.....just the string that used to have a toy on the end.  And, yes...